WALKING TIME: 2h 45' to the top

Maggio locality Casere - Valle Desio - Cascina Rizzolo - Bocchetta di Desio - Monte Due Mani - Bocchetta di Desio - locality La Foppa - locality Piazzola - Maggio locality Casere

Another beautiful itinerary to reach the top of Monte Due Mani (1.666 m) is the ring that passes through Valle dei Grignoni.

From Casere di Maggio, the itinerary goes first through Val Desio and then along Val dei Grignoni, passing by Cascina Rizzolo, where it is possible to observe some ancient traditions. The trail climbs up to the Bocchetta di Desio and then to Monte Due Mani. The cross at the top and the Bivacco Locatelli are the two most characteristic things about this peak.
Go down in the direction of Bocchetta di Desio where, shortly before, follow the indication on the left for La Foppa. Then go towards Piazzola, alternating between paths and dirt road, continue until the end of the valley and close the ring. Now go back to the locality Casere (Maggio). The itinerary is in the woods and does not present particular difficulties.
